LOTE in the Adriatic

11 May by Vince

LOTE staff, plus american and croatian colleagues, were back at work in the Bay of Split and off the island of Brač. Dr Simon Fitch and Dr Vedran Barbarić presented the latest results at a public lecture for the University of Split. Over the next five years, the expedition will map parts of the Adriatic to analyze how they looked 10,000 to 24,000 years ago when sea levels were about 100 meters lower than today.

For more information on the recent work see – https://www.dalmacijadanas.hr/zapanjujuci-rezultati-na-podrucju-splitskog-akvatorija-arheolozi-korak-blize-u-otkrivanju-tajni-ispod-povrsine-jadranskog-mora/

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